Rockriver Investment is a Indo Singapore based investment Firm specializing in Trade Forex and investment. It was founded as a brokerage firm in 2017, by Paramita Majumdar.
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We are never paid by anyone but you, so we are always on your side.
The financial advisory industry is broad, and there are firms of every stripe that claim to act purely in the best interests of the client. That said, the mere fact that many of our peers are compensated by their business partners – be they banks, fund managers, distributors or any other financial services firm – raises questions as to how unbiased their advice could really be. Some of our peers even sell this as a positive, saying that this allows them to charge the client next to nothing.
We decided to take a completely different approach.
We wanted to be fully and 100% on the side of the client, and to provide advice that is unswayed by extrinsic motivations unrelated to the client’s best interests. We wanted to avoid anything that even raises the possibility of a conflict of interest.
How? Simple.
We are paid only by you, the client. When you do well, we do well. When we make bad calls that hurt your portfolio, we flounder with you. We’ll think twice about putting you into high-cost investments because that hurts us too (as opposed to others who might actually profit precisely because of the high fees levied). You’ll never have to wonder whether our advice was in any way tainted.
Rockriver Investment is a Indo Singapore based investment Firm specializing in Trade Forex and investment. It was founded as a brokerage firm in 2017, by Paramita Majumdar.